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Press Releases


Consolidated Financial Results First Half of 2020

SOLID PERFORMANCE. EBIT GROWTH OF 42%. GROUP SALES GROWTH OF 6.7%. COMMITED TO THE EXECUTION OF THE STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN.   Sarantis Group H1 2020 financial results demonstrate a robust performance, driven by solid sales growth, significant increase in earnings and strong cashflow generation.

3 AUGUST 2020

Release Date of Sarantis Group Financial Results for H1 2020 & Conference Call Invitation

Sarantis Group will release the H1 2020 consolidated financial results, according to the following schedule: Wednesday, September 2nd after ASE closing – Results Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (www.

6 JULY 2020

Sarantis Group launches Bioten’s new antibacterial line for the hands

Bioten, which belongs to Sarantis Group, one of the most popular and beloved brands of personal care, enriches its product portfolio with the new antibacterial line for the hands BIOTEN ANTIBACTERIAL, in order to meet the increased needs created due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

4 MAY 2020

First Quarter of 2020 trading update

SARANTIS GROUP First Quarter of 2020 trading update   IMPRESSIVE GROUP SALES GROWTH OF 21% SIGNIFICANT EBITDA GROWTH OF 42%   During the first quarter of 2020 the Group’s total turnover reached € 86.

27 AUGUST 2020

Sarantis Group continues its multidimensional contribution through STR8 supporting the work of the Municipality of Athens and OPANDA for safer stadiums

Sarantis Group, true to its commitment to support Greek society, is once again on the side of the citizens, this time caring for a better and safer daily life, during the #STAYINGSAFE period, through STR8.

3 AUGUST 2020

Release Date of Sarantis Group Financial Results for H1 2020 & Conference Call Invitation

Sarantis Group will release the H1 2020 consolidated financial results, according to the following schedule: Wednesday, September 2nd after ASE closing – Results Release, which will be available in the Athens Stock Exchange web page (www.

3 JULY 2020

Sarantis Group in collaboration with AB Vassilopoulos support the action: live and offline, a CSR corporate initiative

Sarantis Group, faithful to its commitment to support Greek society, joins forces with AB Vassilopoulos & KETHEA and through its brands supports the treatment of social issues such as children's addiction to the internet and screens.

24 APRIL 2020

Sarantis Group continues to give back to the society amidst the COVID-19 crisis across the Group’s region

As COVID-19 pandemic is escalating, we stay true to our commitment to offer back to the society through our loved and trusted brands across our region. Following a series of donations in Greece, more countries of the Group join this effort through 50,000 brand-based donations and financial support to institutions, hospitals and those in need.


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