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STR8 “Go for Great”

24 NOVEMBER 2018

STR8 “Go for Great”

STR8: Men's STR8 Fragrance line 'travels' to Asia

18.10. 2019 – Men's favorite fragrance brand, STR8, with a leading position in Greece and Europe, travelled to China, where its launch was officially announced on August 29, 2019.

The launch of the STR8 series took place at the Hilton Hotel in Nanjing, China, just some days before the official opening of the Basketball World Cup in China.

The main face of the event was the internationally renowned 2019 NBA & MVP player, Giannis Antetokounmpo, who is the ambassador of STR8 Brand worldwide. Giannis Antetokounmpo answered questions about STR8 and himself and shared with the public his point of view on what the STR8 message itself "Go For Great" means to him: “A call to young men to pursue their dreams without hesitation, to set high goals and to fight with faith for what they truly have value”.

The event was attended by Representatives of the Press, E-Commerce, Key Opinion Leaders of Fashion, Beauty and Sport. The guests had the opportunity to get to know STR8, its history and its products and of course to smell the new fragrance of STR8, "RISE".

China is the 2nd major stop of STR8's journey in Asia, as a year ago the official launch of the brand took place in the Philippine market.

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2nd Voluntary Cleaning Action by Sarantis Group and megabrand SANITAS in collaboration with Save Your Hood

Sarantis Group and the reliable brand, SANITAS, true to their commitment to reduce their ecological footprint, organized for the second consecutive year, the joint voluntary cleaning action with the support of Save Your Hood.
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