The "secret" of the Group's success, strategy, and objectives after the pandemic are described in by the Deputy CEO & Chief Commercial Officer of Sarantis Group, Mr. Giannis Bouras in his first interview since he joined the Group.
The experienced director, having been in high-ranking positions within companies in Greece and abroad, also refers to the acquisition plans that will enhance the Group’s profitability after the gradual disposal of its participation in the joint venture with Estee Lauder, while he further explains his view regarding the raw materials price increases and the subsequent impact on product prices.
How does the business develop after the lockdown?
The Group exhibits a robust positive course, as a result of the clear strategy it has followed all these years. The Group’s worldwide operational activity focuses on specific product categories, such as personal care and home care categories, having gained significant experience and knowledge. Our brands maintain strong market shares, competing multinational giants in the FMCG industry. The Group has a deep knowledge of the market, its competitors and the people of the local communities in which it operates, a fact widely recognized by the market. The pandemic outbreak brought disruptions to many and different categories. Even though some product categories were favored significantly due to the certain circumstances, others were negatively affected.
What about this year’s corporate goals?
During 2020, the Group delivered a positive financial performance, while within the first half of 2021 we follow a similar growing trend. As we continue to make progress on our strategic priorities, we feel more and more confident that we will achieve our financial estimates for the current year that stand at the level of 6% sales growth and 10% profitability growth. These estimates do not include acquisitions, but are driven from organic growth.
You have announced that you will proceed with new acquisitions that will boost your profitability, after the agreement for the gradual disposal of the joint venture with "Estee Lauder". Which categories do you focus on? Do you think of entering into a new category?
The Group has proceeded with a series of acquisitions in both categories of its activity. This is our focus area, while we do not plan to enter a new category in the near future. Our main goal is to achieve further organic growth and at the same time acquire brands that will further strengthen our financial performance. Our agenda includes multiple goals that can be added in our portfolio when the time is right.
How much do the increases in raw material prices affect your pricing policy?
Our pricing policy is a daily exercise for us. It is a top priority to maintain a balance, as consumers are quite price sensitive. What has happened to the raw materials’ prices is unprecedented. There is currently no raw material that has not been affected in terms of appreciation and transport costs, all prices have risen sharply. The Group tries to keep prices as stable as possible and makes reasonable price corrections in specific categories that are excessively affected. Besides, the Group always tries to be reasonable and to listen to the market needs. We are nearby the customers and we make adjustments that are acceptable. Unreasonable price increases “are punished” by the consumer. Beyond that, we are always alert and observe how the situation develops. In any case, raw materials issue is quite serious.
How different has the competition been since the pandemic? How would you describe it?
The competition we face is very intense, but without being unfair. A company always needs to make the right moves in order to stay competitive and relevant. Otherwise, it risks going quickly out of the market.
How do you feel towards the issue of vaccinations and the initiatives taken by some companies to convince employees who remain unvaccinated?
As far as vaccinations are concerned, as a Group we have not made any special plan of action. We follow the official governmental directions, strategy, and measures. Personally, I strongly support the vaccination process, as it is our only "weapon" against the pandemic.