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Sarantis Group in collaboration with AB Vassilopoulos support the action: live and offline, a CSR corporate initiative

3 JULY 2020

Sarantis Group, faithful to its commitment to support Greek society, joins forces with AB Vassilopoulos & KETHEA and through its brands supports the treatment of social issues such as children's addiction to the internet and screens. Sarantis Group and AB Vassilopoulos, guided by their philosophy for protection, care and reliability, support the "live and offline" action of KETHEA which offers information and support to young people and those who need it.

Main goal of the action is to communicate properly to the families the balance that we must achieve regarding the use of the screen & technological means. With the message "live and offline", we urge prudent use but NOT abuse. Sarantis Group and AB Vassilopoulos will support the awareness project of KETHEA, through communication and financial contribution for the purchase of logistics equipment, presentation & organization of informative seminars, but also for the creation of digital communication material of the organization.

Consumers by purchasing Sarantis Group’s products: Noxzema, Bioten, Carroten, STR8, Koleston, Wellaflex, Orzene, Wash & Go, Vidal, Strep, Sanitas, AVA, Afroso, Teza participate in the donations to KETHEA.

KETHEA has a wide network of detoxification and social reintegration services in our country. As part of its action, the organization has created support programs for teenagers and adults who are addicted to the internet and video games. Main goal of these programs is to limit the time spent on video games and screens, so that the youth can cope with the difficulties of its age, finding ways out and avoiding the solution of addiction. The created programs encourage education, socializing with friends and engagement with other activities. At the same time, the young person's communication skills are enhanced and any mental disorders that may co-exist with the addiction or abusive behavior are investigated. The program approach is personalized. The content, frequency and duration of the intervention are adapted to the needs of each individual, while his close environment is also supported. The services are provided free of charge, confidentiality is maintained, and anonymity is protected.

Both Sarantis Group and AB Vassilopoulos will continue their efforts towards their corporate social responsibility aiming that their actions have a positive impact on society.

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Sarantis Greece continues its commitment to support Merimna through the "Care in Action" Initiative

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