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Sarantis Group continues its multidimensional contribution through STR8 supporting the work of the Municipality of Athens and OPANDA for safer stadiums

27 AUGUST 2020

Sarantis Group, true to its commitment to support Greek society, is once again on the side of the citizens, this time caring for a better and safer daily life, during the #STAYINGSAFE period, through STR8.

STR8 motivates every young person to pursue their dreams and to be devoted to their goal, despite the difficulties. For those who this dream is embedded with sports and its values, there should be a framework where it can be made a reality safely. For this reason, it supports the Municipality of Athens and OPANDA – the Organization of Culture, Sports and Youth of the Municipality of Athens – in its effort to make the stadiums of Athens safer for all, with new protectors that will "dress" the metal bases of the basketball players. The protectors will be able to be removed and repositioned so that they are always available to all those who wish to play, or train more intensively, to make their dreams come true! Totally, STR8 will equip with the special protective 38 basketball metal bases in 19 courts within the Municipality of Athens.

OPANDA through its actions enables citizens of all ages to come closer to art, culture, music and sports. Through its programs it seeks to develop new social perspectives that will promote the concepts of teamwork, innovation, meaningful human communication, volunteering, psycho-movement support and in this context contribute to the formation of the modern collective consciousness of Athens and to the creative exploitation of the "leisure time" of citizens.


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New Distinctions for the Sarantis Group and the International Development Department at the Sales Excellence Awards 2024

Sarantis Group is a multinational consumer goods company with a constantly expanding geographical footprint and leading brands. With significant activity in thirteen countries organized into 8 business units – Greece (including Portugal and selected international markets), Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Western Balkans, Czech Republic & Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary – the Group maintains its dynamic international presence and its remarkable distribution network in more than 50 countries worldwide.
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