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Person in charge of Investors Communication and Shareholders Services

23 AUGUST 2023

The company GR. SARANTIS S.A. informs the investors community, that the Board of Directors of the Company, with its decision dated 22.08.2023, appointed Mrs. Eleni Moustakidou, as responsible for Investors Communication and Shareholder Services, effective today, 23.08.2023.

The contact details of Mrs. Eleni Moustakidou are as follows:

Tel.: +30 210 6173065


Person in charge of Investors Communication and Shareholders Services (101.8KB)

2nd Voluntary Cleaning Action by Sarantis Group and megabrand SANITAS in collaboration with Save Your Hood

Sarantis Group and the reliable brand, SANITAS, true to their commitment to reduce their ecological footprint, organized for the second consecutive year, the joint voluntary cleaning action with the support of Save Your Hood.
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