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Assignment of Deputy CEO duties to a member of the Board of Directors – Formation of the Board of Directors into a body

12 JUNE 2023

SARANTIS S.A. informs the investment community that its Board of Directors, during its meeting of June 12 2023, decided to assign the duties of Deputy CEO to the executive member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Ioannis Bouras, and was formed into a body as follows:

  1. Grigoris P. Sarantis, Chairman-Executive member,
  2. Dimitrios P. Reppas, Vice Chairman – Independent non-executive member,
  3. Kyriakos P. Sarantis, Chief Executive Officer – Executive member,
  4. Ioannis K. Bouras, Deputy Chief Executive Officer - Executive member,
  5. Aikaterini P. Saranti, Non-executive member,
  6. Konstantinos P. Rozakeas, Executive member,
  7. Konstantinos F. Stamatiou, Executive member,
  8. Evangelos A. Siarlis, Executive member,
  9. Christos I. Oikonomou, Independent non-executive member,
  10. Nikolaos P. Nomikos, Independent non-executive member,
  11. Irene M. Nikiforaki, Independent non-executive member.

The Company’s representation remains unchanged.

Assignment of Deputy CEO duties to a member of the Board of Directors – Formation of the Board of Directors into a body (117.3KB)

2nd Voluntary Cleaning Action by Sarantis Group and megabrand SANITAS in collaboration with Save Your Hood

Sarantis Group and the reliable brand, SANITAS, true to their commitment to reduce their ecological footprint, organized for the second consecutive year, the joint voluntary cleaning action with the support of Save Your Hood.
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