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Announcement regarding the publishment of the Cross Border Merger Joint Plan


GR. SARANTIS S.A. (the Company) informs the investors that the Joint Plan of a Cross Border Merger, dated October 25th 2019, which will lead to the absorption of its 100% affiliate Cypriot limited liability company named GR. SARANTIS CYPRUS LIMITED, was published in the GENERAL COMMERCIAL REGISTRY (G.E.MI.) on November 5th 2019 and in the Company’s website on November 6th 2019.

Announcement regarding the publishment of the Cross Border Merger Joint Plan (432.9KB)

2nd Voluntary Cleaning Action by Sarantis Group and megabrand SANITAS in collaboration with Save Your Hood

Sarantis Group and the reliable brand, SANITAS, true to their commitment to reduce their ecological footprint, organized for the second consecutive year, the joint voluntary cleaning action with the support of Save Your Hood.
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